Works on paper

Using a variety of medias and materials, I continue to delve into the world of line, pattern, repetition, space, contrast, transformation, and obsession.

I often think of Paul Klee’s comment about ‘taking a line for a walk’. I love the process of simply letting my pencil (or whatever media I may be working with) meander wherever it feels like going…

Recently I’ve started a series of works inspired by the knitting of peggy squares. I am reminded of an older woman’s recollections about knitting peggy squares at school. These were then sewn together and made into blankets that were sent to soldiers during World War II… I love how the drawings, much like knitting, grow and evolve with every mark (stitch) made, and that in the end the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Peggy Square, 2017
Peggy Square, 2017


Knitting for Yayoi, 2013, white pencil on paper.
Winner of the 2013 Zinni Douglas Merit Award at the Walker & Hall, Waiheke Art Awards, judged by Mary Louise Brown. This painstakingly large drawing of thousands of teeny tiny white circles took literally weeks to complete, and pays homage to one of my favourite artists, Yayoi Kusama.

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